While SATs in Year 2 are no longer statutory, all schools within our Multi-Academy Trust, DDAT, currently continue to use them to inform our end-of-Key Stage 1 teacher assessments. These assessments help our teachers make informed judgements about your child's progress in English, Maths, and Science.
At St Chad’s, we aim to make SATs as stress-free and supportive as possible. The majority of children will sit their tests in their normal classrooms alongside their peers, and all tests are administered by class teachers as part of the regular school day. To reduce any pressure, we provide a two-week ‘administration window,’ in May allowing all children enough time to complete the tests in a familiar and calm environment.

We want to reassure parents that SATs are not about ‘passing’ or ‘failing.’ They help teachers understand the level at which a child is working and support future learning. SATs should be viewed as a part of the overall teaching your child receives throughout the year, rather than a one-off event.

It is important to stay calm and avoid putting pressure on your child. Our children are well-prepared for the assessments through ongoing classroom teaching and assessments. You can help by encouraging your child with their home learning and offering support. However, it’s essential to maintain balance—play and family time are still key to your child’s well-being at this stage.

There are many useful practice materials available online and in print, but we encourage you to use them in moderation. More information on how to support your child's home learning can be found here. 

End of Key Stage 1 teacher assessments will be shared in our usual end-of-year reports to parents in July. While SATs results are an important indicator of progress, they are just one aspect of your child’s broader learning journey.